Feedback Form Name * Name First First Last Last Address Phone Email * How did you hear about the project? Friend/Family Community Group Newspaper Advert Social Media Other Where do you live? * Moulamein Maude Moolpa Yanga Balranald Booroorban Kyalite Hay Deniliquin Swan Hill Other (please specify) If other, please specify. What do you value most about your local area? * Agriculture Recreation Opportunities Employment Opportunities Investment and Business Growth Community/Family associarions Cultural Heritage Ecological Heritage/Biodiversity Local History Rural Landscape/Scenic Beauty Other (please specify) If other, please specify. From your choices which do you value the most? Which of the following benefits from wind farms do you consider important? Tick as many as applicable. * They generate renewable energy They reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help to combat climate change They bring investment to regional area/centres They deliver local economic opportunities (jobs, tourism) They help landowners to diversity their income They deliver community benefits, such as funding or initiatives Other (please specify) If other, please specify. Based on your current understanding of renewable energy and the Project, what are your main concerns? Do you own/operate or work in a local business? What influence do you anticpate the Project will have on your business? What do you value about the existing natural and built environment? In your opinion what are the key landscape features in the vicinity of the project? (e.g. a distinct water body, or an iconic church.) What are the best lookouts / public viewing locations within the vicinity of the project? (For example if you have a visitor, where do you take them to showcase your local area?) Are there any cultural or historic aspects of the region that are important to you or to the local community? Are there any local or community activities that you value or enjoy participating in? What local initiatives do you think the project could help with through a community fund, grant scheme, sponsorships or similar? Would like to be kept up to date with project specific newsletters and other updates? * Yes - email newsletter Yes - post newsletter (provide address above) Yes - occassional telephone call Please do not contact me Any additional comments? reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit